Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Perkongsian Bersama- untuk ahli keluarga tercinta

Tujuan saya berkongsi artikel ini bukan lah semata-mata saya ingin menjual insuran atau takaful ini, tapi saya ingin berkongsi kepada kawan-kawan semua…ini bebrapa kisah benar mengenai pesakit kanser di Malaysia…

baca coretan mereka … chating dalam group ini….

Saya harap kita minta jauh dari dapat penyakit ini.. tapi kalau ditakdirkan Tuhan.. kita terimalah seadanya..

  • XXXX bt XXXX disahkan mngidap breast cancer,stage3..skrg ni dh buat first kemo.. ada rs prubahan positif.. tp kadang2 rasa x trtanggung sakit yg datang tiba2..
    sy x tau pun sy ada cancer..sejak 2007 sy cuba dapatkan rawatan di hospitl masa itu doktor kata xde apa2..walupun hampir setahun brulang alik utk brjumpa dktor..
    thun 2008 sy jumpa lagi dktor di tempat masih di klinik kerajaan..sama juga tiada apa2 yg perlu dibimbangkan kerana MUNGKIN kelenjar susu yg membengkak (tanpa buat pemeriksaan lanjut)..
    dan akhirnya..setelah pergi ke hospital pakar swasta,sy diambil sampel tisu dan disahkan ada kanser.. hanya dalam masa 3 hari!!
    kecewanya saya bila jadi macam tu.. sy dh usaha selama hampir 4 tahun di hospital kerajaan,tp dktor kt x ada apa2..
    apakah semua ini disebabkan kecuaian saya? namun, saya reda dengan ketentuan ini..

    about 4 months ago ·

  • Saya masih belum melakukan rawatan kemo.. rawatan saya akan bermula dengan radioterapi dahulu yang akan bermula 5 july 2010 ini. Bagi rawatan kemo saya memilih untuk buat di hospital kerajaan sahaja kerana rumah saya dengan hospital sgtlah berdekatan.. untuk radioterapi saya memilih untuk melakukan di hospital swasta.. kerana radioterapi tidak ada di hospital yang berdekatan.. paling dekat keyel for gov hospital… susah juga untuk saya travel.. saya tiada pilihan.. kadang2 membuat pilihan untuk rwatan yang menyeksakan adalah kos yang perlu dikeluarkan. Semalam untk buat plan or peta for radioterapi sahaja menelan belanja sebanyak rm1380…

  • Mazxxx Bt sss .. setakat ni kami dh habiskan hampir rm5000 utk semua prosedur.. saya perlu buat kemo dulu sbb tahap sy dh yg ke-3..lagipun klu nk buat pmbedahan buang,kawasan yg terlalu besar dn luas.. bagi kami kos dan wang bukan isu utama (walaupun agak membebankan) kerana mereka semua mahukan yg terbaik untuk saya.. secara keseluruhannya,kos mungkin akan mencecah rm15k.
    saya sangat2 bersyukur kerana dikurniakan suami,abah.umi dan keluarga serta kawan2 yg sangat2 menyokong dan membantu.. pengorbanan keluarga amat besar dan hanya Allah yang tahu betapa bertuahnya saya..

    Nor XXX bt xxxxx ~ begitula perasaan saya semasa buat rawatan di hospital kerajaan.. sekali bagi saya sudah cukup.. Tapi apa2 pon kita harus redha dengan apa saja yang terjadi. mgkin ada hikmah disebaliknya. Walaupun begitu saya rasa untuk mgkin kepakaran dan facility yang terhad membuatkan perkara yang boleh diketahui awal tak dapat diketahui. Biasala kos untuk kanser memang membebankan.. Di hospital swasta sekiranya anda mampu apa saja pilihan yang perlu akan dilakukan… wang memainkan peranan penting.

  • Hubungi saya Perunding Prudential anda; Elina Ariffin-0122489178

Boleh saya minta RM50,000

Sekiranya Saya Minta Dari Anda RM 50,000 Sudah Tentu Anda Tidak Akan Beri, Tapi Kalau Doktor Anda Minta RM50,000 Adakah Anda Akan Beri Sekiranya Ia Melibatkan Nyawa Anda?

Anda Sudah Anda Perlindungan Dari Syarikat!

Jadi anda Hanya Mungkin Berminat Selepas Bersara (Umur 55).

Tahukan Anda Takaful Kesihatan Hanya Boleh Diambil Ketika Sihat Sahaja.

Sudah Ada Diabetis @ Darah Tinggi Segalanya Mungkin Sudah Terlewat. Adakah Anda Boleh GUARANTEE Anda Tiada Penyakit Apabila Menjelang Umur 50-an. Sanggupkah Anda Menggunakan Wang EPF @ KWSP Anda Untuk Membayar Bil Hospital???

Pepatah Lama Yang Sudah Bertukar – Harimau Mati Meninggalkan Belang Tapi Manusia Mati Meninggalkan HUTANG.

Anda Rasa RUGI Ambil Takaful, Tapi Anda LAGI RUGI Kalau Tak Ada TAKAFUL. Sekiranya Anda Tidak Membuat Sumbangan Hari Ini, Satu Hari Nanti Anda Pasti Menyumbang Dalam JUMLAH YANG BESAR Kepada Hospital


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Insurance vs Own Saving

save moeny


Every month you do savings of RM200.

End of the year , total accumulated RM2400 + + (Including interest) (0.3% if in saving account 3% if in Fix Deposit, 7% if in ASB)

Assume the savings constantly up to 5 years. Amounting RM12,000 ++

Unfortunately, you are diagnosed for Cancer preliminary level which need RM50,000 for treatment cost

Thanks for your savings, you have RM12,000 but you still need RM38,000.

You have 3 options to fund the balance

  • Borrow

Family and friends will try their best to help you. But to borrow RM38,000 is near impossible unless your have a very rich relative.

  • Sell your assets

Your maybe have one or two assets which can be sold. But it takes at least 6 months to sell a house for example. If your assets still under bank’s loan, yet you cant sell it off.

  • Seek for Donation

Your saw on television, people seek donation for themselves or their kids. Need money for surgery or treatment. If you are disable or really poor , you are qualified to seek donation under the television programme. But, you are income earner like executive in one big company, you will not getting any help by the donation programme because there are more needy people out there.


Every month you do savings of RM200.

End of the year , total accumulated RM2400 + + (Including interest) (8%-9% in InvestmentLink or Takafulink plan )

In case something bad happen to you , death or total permanent disable , Sum Assured RM100,000 will be compensate to next of kin or to you. (Even you pay insurance just for one month which is RM200 )

Up to 5 years. Amounting RM12,000 ++

Unfortunately, you are diagnosed for Cancer preliminary level which need RM50,000 for treatment cost. Now Medical Card will cover all the cost for you. Limit RM500,000 per lifetime.

Plus, Rm20,000 compensation because diagnosed with one of the 36 critical illness.

Plus, when you been hospitalized, you will be receiving RM100 per day as hospital benefits.

If you unable to work and no money to pay your premium, Contributor plan will continue to pay it. As the result, you still receive Protection and your savings still continue growing until age 100.

How Much Should You Leave For Your Family

How much money should leave for your family? PruBSN Protect Plus

There are so many ways and formula to calculate on how much Sum Assured do you need for your life insurance. Asset value, liability value and etc.

But end of the day how much budget do you have to pay the premium.

The premium must be affordable and the plan must be adequate. Not too little

I created a simple empirical method for Sum Assured. * this applicable to person with income less than RM200K annually.

The step as below

1. RM50K

2. RM100K

4. RM300K

5. RM500K

As your agent to do quotation of how much for each Sum Assured and you select which one is suitable for your budget.

But remember! You must upgrade your plan accordingly till you reach Rm500K Sum Assured. Reach RM500K, then you will have peace of mind knowing that you have RM500K emergency fund for your family.

I recommend PruBSN Protect Plus. Why? Because PruBSN Protect Plus is an auto upgrade plan for every 3 years with level premium. No extra cost even though your Sum Assured increased. The plan coverage is up to 80 years old.

Im going to be 26 years old next year. I sign up PruBSN Protect Plus with RM100K Sum Assured. Premium is RM RM3000 per year.

First colum is year, second colum is age, third column is premium and last column is Sum Assured with Auto Upgrade of 5% every 3 years.

But my target is to have RM500K Sum Assured before age 30. I will do self upgrade 2 years later for RM300K and age 30 upgrade for RM400K. I have another RM100K life insurance under investment link plan. So total RM500K.